IGS Technical Committee on Filtration – finding common ground
By Dr. Ennio Marques Palmeira
Geotextiles have been used in filtration and drainage works very successfully for decades. Nevertheless, it has been identified that they have not been used properly or their uses are lacking in basic design, specification and construction principles. Even under such adverse conditions, few failures of geotextile filters have been reported in the literature, although this by no means should be viewed as encouragement for careless uses of such materials as filters. In this context, the International Geosynthetics Society’s Technical Committee on Filtration aims to promote and develop the use and knowledge on geosynthetics in filtration.
The objectives of the committee are:
- Promote a sounder and scientifically based use of geotextiles in filtration.
- Promote the dissemination and expansion of the use of geotextile filters in geotechnical and geoenvironmental works.
- Encourage and provide assistance to the organization of national, regional and international scientific events on filtration.
- Encourage and provide assistance to the organization of educational initiatives (training courses, training lectures, etc.) and to produce educational material related to filtration.
- Interact with other IGS committees to encourage the advancement of geotextile filters.
- Work in conjunction with IGS Chapters and/or related geotechnical and civil/environmental engineering societies or organizations to promote the dissemination and expansion of the use of geotextile filters.
During the last four years, the Technical Committee on Filtration took action to accomplish the objectives listed above. These include contacting sister societies with common interests in geotextile filters; organising short courses, training lectures, special technical sessions at conferences and keynote lectures on filtration; and completing a worldwide survey on the use of geotextile filters.
For more information about the International Geosynthetic Society’s Technical Committee on Filtration, or to join the committee, contact the Committee Chair, Mr. Kelvin Legge (leggek@dwa.gov.za). Membership in the Filtration Committee is open to all members of the IGS who wish to serve.