The Technical Committee on Hydraulic Applications (TC-H) is dedicated to the scientific and engineering development of geosynthetic systems. This committee promotes the dissemination of knowledge, technology, research findings, design and construction methodologies related to hydraulic applications of geosynthetics, such as drainage, erosion control, and coastal protection in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering.
Our Work
The TC-H’s work includes:
- Technical sessions within IGS regional and international conferences
- compiling summaries of regulations in different countries
- Making recommendations for geosynthetics in specific applications
- Workshops to educate and build technical consensus, address problems and solve scientific needs
- State of practice documents for each of the three main application areas (erosion, drainage, coastal)
- Including geosynthetic drainage materials within the HELP (Hydraulic Evaluation of Landfill Performance) model
- Leaflets on Drainage, Erosion Control, and Coastal Protection in multiple languages
- Encouraging young members to the committee
- Contributing to the IGS Educate the Educators (EtE) initiative program
- Liaising with other interested societies and institutions
- Geosynthetics as Membrane and Reinforcement in Canals
by Vivek Kapadia, Government of Gujarat - Use of Geosynthetics for Water Conservation –Experience in Asia
by Kiran Kumar Rumandla, Solmax - Use of Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats (GCCMs) for erosion and seepage control in water transport infrastructures
by Darren Hugues, Concrete Canvas - Service life of Geosynthetics in Hydraulic Applications
by Eric Blond, Eric Blond Consultant - Reflections on canal lining experience from a global perspective
by Amal Talbi, World Bank - Geosynthetics for Design of Energy Dissipation Components in Dams
by Vivek Kapadia, Government of Gujarat - Sustainable solutions for riverbank protection
by Rudra Budhbhatti, Maccaferri - Case study on the use of Concrete Mattress in India, showcasing the Taldanda Main Canal & the Dhakrani Power Channel
by Karan Vyas, Signet Enertech (Huesker) - Flexible polymeric geomembranes to arrest leakages in Dams and Canals enabling effective usage of water for irrigation and human needs
by Jagadeesan Subramanian, Carpi Tech
IGS-Sponsored session #1: Geosynthetics for reservoirs and water conservation
- Keynote speaker: JP Giroud: Geosynthetics for water conservation [PDF][VIDEO]
- Alberto Scuero: PVC Geosynthetic Barriers for reservoirs and dams [PDF][VIDEO]
- Catrin Tarnowski: 40 years of Water Conservation with Polyethylene Barriers [VIDEO]
- Kent Von Maubeuge: Geosynthetic Clay liners – Sustainable and resilient barriers for hydraulic engineering applications [PDF][VIDEO]
- Bertrand Breul: Use of Bituminous Geomembrane (BGM) In Water Storage Reservoirs [PDF][VIDEO]
- Carl Charpentier: Ensuring leak-proof reservoirs with geo-electrical leak detection surveys on exposed or covered geomembranes [PDF][VIDEO]
IGS-Sponsored Session #2: Geosynthetics for erosion control
- Keynote speaker: Pietro Rimoldi: Overview of Geosynthetics Products for Erosion Control on Slopes and on River/Channel Banks [PDF]
- Simon Ebbert: Erosion protection of overtopping sections with concrete mattresses [PDF]
- Will Crawford: The use of Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats (GCCM’s) for Erosion Control Applications [PDF]
- Edwin Zengerink: Geosystems for Shoreline Protection [PDF]
- Eyal Blatman: Slope Protection using NPA Geocells
- Paolo Di Pietro: Experiences on the combined use of gabions, mattresses and geomats for erosion control in natural and artificial water courses [PDF]
Day 1: Retrofitting irrigation canals with geosynthetics: An overview
- Prof. Chungsik Yoo, IGS President: Introduction to the International Geosynthetics Society [PDF] [Video]
- Prof. Ragab Ragab, President of the Internal Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, ICID: 72 years of Dedication for Enhancing Agricultural Water Management [PDF] [Video]
- His Excellency, Dr. Mohamed ABDEL ATY: Overview of the national project for the rehabilitation and lining of canals [Video]
- JP Giroud: Geosynthetics in canals: applications and performance [PDF] [Video]
- Nathalie Touze: Geosynthetics: a sustainable solution for water management in canals [PDF] [Video]
- Eric Blond: Service life of geosynthetics [PDF] [Video]
- Q&A [Video]
Day 2: Retrofitting irrigation canals with geosynthetics: Seepage control
- Hervé Plusquellec: Canal Lining using geomembranes [PDF] [Video]
- Chris Davey: Practical considerations of retrofitting canals with geomembranes [PDF] [Video]
- Pau LLINAS, Bertrand Breul: Bituminous Geomembranes for waterproofing large canals [PDF] [Video]
- Alberto Scuero: Stopping Leakage in Canals in Flowing Water Conditions [PDF] [Video]
- Catrin Tarnowski, Adam Maskal: Long-term Integrity of Canals Lined with Geosynthetics [PDF] [Video]
- Q&A [Video]
Day 3: Retrofitting irrigation canals with geosynthetics: Bank stabilization and erosion control
- Pietro Rimoldi: Overview of geosynthetics products for erosion control in irrigation channels [PDF] [Video]
- Simon Ebbert: Concrete Mattresses for Lining and Sealing of Canals [PDF] [Video]
- Will Crawford: An introduction to Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats – an innovative approach to lining canals [PDF] [Video]
- Paolo Di Pietro: The use of gabions and mattresses to provide stabilization and to prevent seepage losses in water courses [PDF] [Video]
- Eyal Blatman, Zeev Strahl: Canal Bank Protection with NPA-Geocells [Video]
- Edwin Zengerink: Channel bank protection with making use of sand filled fabricated Geosystems [PDF] [Video]
- Q&A [Video]
Meet Our Leaders

Veronique Heili
CEREMA, France
Eric Blond
Immediate Past Chair
Consultant, Canada
Markus Wilke
Vice-Chair for Hydraulic Structures: Canals, Dams
Solmax, Egypt
David Shercliff
Vice-Chair for Civil and Transportation Infrastructures
Piergiorgio Recalcati
Vice-Chair for Environmental Applications
Tenax, Italy
Sam Allen
Vice-Chair for Filtration and Industrial Applications
TRI/Environmental Inc., USA
Get Involved
The TC-H accepts applications from individual IGS members and representatives of IGS corporate members.
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Please contact TC-H Chair.
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Membership in the IGS is a valuable investment for anyone interested in the engineering and geosynthetics industry.
Technical Committees News
- May 23, 2022
- April 23, 2021
- December 4, 2020
- May 21, 2018
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