The international geotechnical Symposium GCCETS 2018 ” Geotechnical Construction of Civil Engineering & Transport Structures Of The Asian-Pacific Region 2018” was held in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia on 04-07 July, 2018. Symposium was aimed to determine the present state of the field of design, construction and exploitation of infrastructure and transport facilities in rough geological conditions and protection against natural disasters and to share the latest experience.
Symposium was organized by Far Eastern State Transport University and RCIGS under the auspices of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering – ISSMGE and International Geosynthetics Society – IGS. The event was supported by TC203 “Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Associated Problems” (chair Ross Boulanger), TC202 “Transportation Geotechnics” (chair – Erol Tutumluer), TC 215 “Environmental Geotechnics” (chair – Malek Bouazza) and TC216 “Frozen soils” (chair Takashi Ono).
Symposium had a total amount of 82 registrations from 7 countries.
Symposium Chair professor Sergei Kudryavtcev vice-rector Far Eastern State Transport University and Chairman of Far Eastern Regional Branch of RCIGS delivered the opening address to the participants. He pointed out the need for organization of a continuous railway communication that will connect the mainland and the Sakhalin Island. He highlighted the potential of railway integration with road, oil and gas pipelines and energy supply bridge to be an urgent task of the present day.
Deputy Chief Engineer of the Far Eastern Railway Sergei Drokin highlighted the importance of geotechnics for transportation infrastructure and wished the participants a fruitful and successful work.
Conference program included presentations from nine keynote speakers. Keynote speakers are industry experts and have recognized authority in the field of Geotechnical Engineering and Geoecology.
Keynote lectures had the following topics:
- Eun Chul Shin, University of Incheon, Korea
“Erosion Problems of Shore Line and Counter Measurement by Various Geomaterials”
- Askar Zhussupbekov, the President of the Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society, Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan
“Investigations of quality of piling foundations by different methods”
- Chungsik Yoo, Vice-President of International Geosynthetics Society (IGS), Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
“Geosynthetics in Tunnel Waterproofing – Fundamental Issues»
- Andrei Petriaev, President RCIGS, Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University, Russia
“The use of geosynthetics for roadbed construction on the soft soils and ballast stabilisation”
- Igor Sakharov, S.Petersburg State University Of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Russia
“Thermal-physical calculations as a basis of design solutions of buildings and structuresin the permafrost zone”
- Tatsuya Ishikawa, Secretary of the TC202 “Transportation Geotechnics, Hokkaido University, Japan
“Advanced laboratory tests on geomaterials for transportation facilities in cold regions”
- Nikolay Kazakov, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia
“Conditions for the formation of seismogenic landslides on the island of Sakhalin”
- Jacec Kawalac, Tensar, Poland
“Stabilization with geogrids for transport applications”
- Kazunori Munehiro, CERI, PWRI, Japan
“Variation of Traffic Flow due to Formation of Road Shoulder Snow”
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Technical session concerning using of geosynthetics had the theme “Use geomaterials for construction and reconstruction transportation objects”. Session chairs were Andrei Petriaev and Tatiana Valtseva.
Twelve presentations covered a wide range of topics related to the application of geosynthetics in environmental protection, road and railway infrastructure, stabilization and coastlines.
The IGS meeting was led by President of RCIGS Andrei Petriaev and was attended by 17 participants including nine members of the RCIGS and three members of the IGS outside of Russia – two IGS Ambassadors Prof. Chungsik Yoo (Korea), Dr. Jacek Kawalec (Poland) and Prof.Askar Zhussupbekov, (Kazakhstan).
Prof. Chungsik Yoo, IGS Vice-President, provided information on the IGS structure and initiatives as well as upcoming activities of the IGS.
Dr. Jacek Kawalec, board member of Polish IGS chapter, Chair of IGS Technical committee on Stabilization, told participants about the structure of Polish IGS chapter and outreach aspects to current, past, and potential new members. The aspects of Polish chapter income and expenses structure and interaction with corporative and Young members aroused genuine interest. Dr. Jacek Kawalec delivered information about Technical Committee on Stabilization nearest activities and interaction with international chapters.
President of RCIGS Andrei Petriaev told about the structure of RCIGS, past and nearest initiatives and goals to be achieved in nearest future.
The discussion subsequently focused on two additional issues: new RCIGS members and plans. Many participants in the meeting expressed their interest in joining the RCIGS. Finally, everyone was excited about what could be accomplished in the future under the auspices of the RCIGS.
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At the end of the IGS Meeting Andrei Petriaev thanked IGS Ambassadors Prof. Chungsik Yoo (Korea), Dr. Jacek Kawalec (Poland) and Prof. Martin Ziegler (Chair of European Activities Committee of IGS), Prof. Jorge Zornberg ( IGS Council member) for RCIGS support.
Summing up the results of the geotechnical Symposium, Prof. Sergei Kudryavtcev said that the main theme of the forum is the creation of a transport link between Sakhalin and the mainland of the Russian Federation with the prospect of a possible construction of a transition between Sakhalin and the Japanese island of Hokkaido. He announced that the upcoming GCCETS 2020 would be held in Sapporo.
At the end of the Symposium, Prof. Chungsik Yoo (Korea) thanked all the participants and announced the 11th International Conference on Geosynthetics, which will be held in Korea.
After the conference on July 6 and 7, 2018, two technical tours were conducted to unique construction sites of the Sakhalin island.
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Reported by
Andrei Petriaev, President RCIGS