The XXVI National Conference of Geotechnical Engineering was successfully held on 20 – 22 June 2017 in Roma and it gave excellent results in terms of number of registered attendees as well as quality of the presented papers. The event was organised by the Italian Geotechnical Society (AGI) under the auspices of the National Engineers Council (CNI), Italferr, ANAS and Italian Ministry of the Environment.
The conference’s theme was “The role of geotechnical engineering in the preservation and protection of the built heritage”. The conference was divided in three different sessions: urban agglomerations, transport infrastructures and hydraulic and maritime works, comprising comprise parallel sessions over a 3-days period, including key-note lectures, oral presentations, discussion and exhibition. At the end of each session, a fruitful and interesting discussion on the different topics occurred. All the accepted papers are included in the two volumes proceedings.
The conference took place in the context of the Auditorium Antonianum and it attracted more than 270 researchers, consultants, contractors, academics and students.
The keynote lectures were presented by:
- Sebastiano Rampello (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), focused on “The deep excavation in urban area: is this coexistence possible?”
- Francesco Castelli, on “Geotechnical aspects in vulnerability assessing of transport infrastructures”.
- and Angelo Amorosi and Claudio Mancuso on “Prospects in the analysis of the behaviour of earth dams”.
During the conference, the presentations on the various applications of geosynthetics were made by: Cazzuffi and Gioffrè (“Long term behaviour of geomembranes used during renovation of sealing system for dams”); Cuomo, Frigo and Ciorciari (“Stability analysis of a reinforced steep slopes near Niscemi (Italy) downtown”); Pavanello, Carrubba and Moraci (“Geosynthetic interface shear strength and its effect on performance”); Pavanello and Frigo (“Mechanical behaviour of geotubes under different load and boundary conditions”); Tassi, Russo and Simini (“Geogrid-reinforced walls with a flexible stonefilled facing”).
Proceedings were edited by Nicola Moraci and Claudio Soccodato; the two volumes, containing more than 1500 pages, are available by contacting the Italian Geotechnical Association (AGI) at the following email:
Reported by
Daniele Cazzuffi (AGI-IGS President and IGS Past President) and Giuseppe Cardile (AGI-IGS Secretary)