Avoid statutory pitfalls with geosynthetics projects by attending a British Geotechnical Association (BGA) Invitational Lecture this month.
Hosted by the UK Chapter of the IGS, Dr. Russell Jones will talk on “Managing legal risk: a geotechnical and geosynthetic perspective” at the in-person and online event on October 12.
Learn about the legal risks that need to be managed by geotechnical and geosynthetic professionals as well as contractual hazards such as onerous and uncertain contract terms and liability for the actions of others.
Further topics will include:
- Warranties
- Indemnities
- Elevated standard of care
- Force majeure
- Contra proferentem rules
- Tortious risks
- An overview of the professional’s duty of care
Technical risks such as design responsibilities, unexpected ground conditions, quality control, quality assurance and inappropriate use of geosynthetics will be explored.
Consideration will also be given to the role of appropriate insurance in the risk management process.
Dr. Jones, an IGS Council member, former President of the IGS and ex-chairman of IGS UK, is currently a Senior Legal Consultant with Golder Associates, part of WSP, and a legal director of the Golder UK and Irish companies.
The lecture takes place at Godfrey Mitchell Theatre, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1. Great George Street, Westminster, London, SW1P 3AA. Refreshments will be served from 5.30pm before the lecture begins at 6pm (UK time).
To register, click here.
For more about IGS UK, visit its website.
*** Add a date in your diary for the next virtual IGS UK event on November 9 when Stefan Niewerth will talk on ‘Active geocomposites and range of treatments on land and sub aqueous capping’. Tune in at 6pm UK time. A link to registration will be available nearer the time.