The International Geosynthetics Society Technical Committee on Soil Reinforcement (IGS TC-R) had its last membership meeting at GeoAfrica, in Marrakech, Morocco, October 2017.
During these membership meetings the board informs in the open meetings the members and visitors about the latest developments in the TC-R and the interaction with other technical groups. Information about the new TC218 Reinforced Fill Structures of the ISSMGE were given by its chairman John Sankey (US). Gerhard Bräu showed the actual status of the development of Eurocode 7 which is prepared by CEN TC 250 / SC7. The actual status of ISO TC 221 WG 6 – Design using geosynthetics, especially the part for reinforcement was also presented.
Most of the time at the meeting in Marrakech was spent for the planning of the Speciality Workshop of the TC-R in 2018. TC-R is planning a seminar/workshop presenting and discussing “Hot Topics in Geosynthetics Soil Reinforcement”. It is hoped that this event will occur in Munich on 04 – 05 June 2018 in conjunction with a similar event of TC Barrier on 06 – 07 June 2018. Planning for this is ongoing and the organizers of the event are Gerhard Bräu (Chairman), Lars Vollmert (Secretary) and Jürgen Gruber (Treasurer). As the actual hot topics in the profession the following four themes were determined:
- Veneer Cover Pietro Rimoldi, Italy
- Bridge Abudment Jorge Zornberg, US
- Facings of Walls and Steep Slopes Ian Fraser, UK
- Use of Recycled and marginal soil John Sankey, US
For each of them a half day time slot is planned to have plenty of time for some main presentations and lots of discussions. The mentioned session leaders will organize the presentations for their program themselves. So please contact them directly, if you want to contribute to a theme. As result of the workshop it is expected to have the starting point for “white paper”, state-of-the-art paper or similar.
During the 11ICG in Seoul, Korea (16 – 21 Sept, 2018) the TC-R will be hosting a Special Session during the conference with the following lectures:
- Richard Bathurst, Probabilistic analysis and design of reinforced soil walls and slopes
- Lars Vollmert and Gerhard Bräu, Performance of geogrid reinforced and stabilized base courses
- Pietro Rimoldi, A new analytical approach to veneer cover reinforcement
- Yoshihisa Miyata, Seismic design of geosynthetic-reinforced soil structures
For further information please contact the board:
Gerhard Bräu – TC-R chairman (
Richard Bathurst – TC-R vice chair (
Fumio Tatsuoka – TC-R vice-chair (
Yoshihisa Miyata – TC-R secretary (
Reported by
Gerhard Bräu, TC-R Chairman