This year, the Indian Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) is celebrating its Silver Jubilee: 25 years of service to the Indian Geosynthetics Community! To mark the Silver Jubilee Celebrations and remain abreast of the latest developments in the field of geosynthetics, an international seminar will be held (Geosynthetics India 2013). This event will include a half-day Special Session on “Retrospect and Future of Geosynthetics in India.” It is being held at CBIP Conference Hall, Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi (India) 23-25 October 2013.
On 23 October 2013, the Indian IGS Chapter will hold a one-day seminar on “Geosynthetic Barriers.” The seminar will focus on current new research topics for geosynthetic barriers, such as geomembranes, geosynthetic clay liners (GCLS), multi-component GCLs and bituminous liners, the use of these barriers in various applications and the practical inclusion of these engineered barriers for landfills, mining, coal combustion residual sites and other industrial applications. Advantages and disadvantages of alternative technologies quality as well as control plans for their establishment will be discussed.
The following will be the topics for discussion during the Symposium:
- Geosynthetics Materials
- Testing & Evaluation, Specifications and Standardization
- Reinforced Soil Structures
- Soil Slopes Stabilisation and Landslide Mitigation
- Filtration and Drainage
- Roads and Railways
- Hydraulic Structures
- Hazardous Waste Management – Landfills and Ash Ponds
- Erosion Control
- Ground Improvement
- Natural Fibre Geotextiles
- Hill Area Development
The International Geosynthetics Society’s India Chapter began its journey in 1988. Today, geosynthetics are utilized in construction throughout all sectors of civil engineering. This is true not only in developed countries but also in developing nations like India. Here, geosynthetics are increasingly being used for the construction of dams, embankments, canals, roads, runways, railway embankments, retaining walls, slope protection works, drainage works, river training works, seepage control, etc. Their use in India is picking up, but the domestic engineering community is still far from being fully aware of geosynthetic materials, how to design with them, and their particular advantages (performance, economics, etc.). It is this void in technical knowledge that IGS India seeks to fill.
The Silver Jubilee will provide an opportunity to have retrospect of geosynthetics acceptance as construction material and deliberate on future prospects.
[button link=”/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/SILVERJUBILE-IGSIndia.pdf” color=”B8AC9E” textcolor=”ffffff” target=”blank”]DOWNLOAD BROCHURE (PDF)[/button]