The Technical Conference and Tradeshow GeoMEast was held July 15 – 20, 2017 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. The conference was organized by the Soil-Structure Interaction Group in Egypt (SSIGE) and supported by multiple governmental, academic and technical organizations. A website for the conference is located here: http://www.geomeast2017.org/ and the confer-ence was held under the auspices of the Inter-national Geosynthetics Society.
Professor Erol Guler of Bogazici University, Tur-key (IGS council member) organized two technical workshops: one titled: Geosynthetics Engineering Barriers and a second titled: Geosynthetics Engineering: Reinforcements. Several IGS members and council members gave lectures during these sessions. Additionally, IGS Vice President- Chungsik Yoo, Professor at Sungkyunkwan University in Korea and Dr. Guler each offered plenary session lectures titled “Geosynthetics in Tunnel drainage and Waterproofing” and “ Geosynthetics: A Material Which Started a New Era in Geotechnical Engineering” respectively.
Approximately 250 people attended the conference including many national infrastructure and construction leaders. The Governor of the Sinai district where Sharm el Sheikh is located even took the time to visit the IGS booth. Work was also done in the ongoing efforts to organize an IGS chapter in Egypt with positive forward movement achieved. Egypt is a strong and growing market for the utilization of geosynthetics and hopefully this event will help to expand the proper use of geosynthetic materials.
Reported by
Boyd Ramsey, IGS Counicil Member