IGS Student and Young Members have even more ways to help them attend the 5th Pan-American Conference on Geosynthetics.
As well as free and reduced rates for registering, other routes are available including applying for a Student Award or IGS Foundation travel grant. Both these opportunities must be applied for before February 10.
The IGS Student Awards recognize the top students in Pan-America between 2021-2024. Awards are based on the quality of the conference paper, and entitle recipients to free registration to the conference, entry to the gala dinner and up to $1,000 reimbursement of travel expenses.
Winners will present their work during the conference technical sessions and be recognized for their achievements during the closing ceremony.
For full details and to apply, click here.
Additionally, the IGS Foundation has generously given funding to the IGS Young Members Committee to facilitate Travel Grants.
All Young Members, engineers and students, with travel expenses greater than $500 are invited to apply. Around 10 awards will be granted and will be on the basis on financial need and merit, with preference given to applicants from the Americas.
For more details and to apply, visit here.
GeoAmericas2024 will this time be hosted by IGS North America on April 28 to May 1, this year, in Toronto, Canada. The major engineering and trade conference will explore the theme ‘Connecting State of the Art to State of Practice’, and will include short courses, technical sessions, and the Zornberg Lecture this time jointly given by Vinicius Benjamim and Victor Pimental.
Details of a Young Members’ networking event are yet to be finalized but is earmarked for Monday, April 29, at 6.30pm.
If you have any questions about applying for these student opportunities, please email youngmembers@geosyntheticssociety.org.
Watch this space for further conference updates, or visit the GeoAmericas2024 website here.