Don’t Wait – Register Today!
The International Geosynthetics Society invites IGS members and geotechnical professionals everywhere to participate in its next set of high-level technical workshops. From 10 – 13 November 2019, the IGS Technical Committee on Stabilization (TC-S) and Technical Committee on Hydraulics (TC-H) will hold back-to-back workshops in Prague, Czech Republic. The selected topics will be presented by revered international experts and significant time will be available for discussion and debate.
Attendees may register for one or both of the workshops. For questions about this upcoming event, please contact IGS Secretariat Manager Terry Paulo (IGSsec@GeosyntheticsSociety.org).
Hotel Room Block Closing Soon!
All workshop activities will be held at the Hotel Grandium Prague, which has set aside a room block with a discounted rate of EURO 100/night for attendees. Attendees are responsible for making their own accommodation arrangements.
Hotel Grandium Reservation Deadline: 10 October 2019.
[button link=”https://www.hotel-grandium.cz/en/bookings/?date_in=2019-11-10&date_out=2019-11-13&price_group=274877906944″ color=”B8AC9E” textcolor=”ffffff” target=”blank”]RESERVE YOUR ROOM TODAY[/button]
Room block closes 10 October 2019
TC-Stabilization & TC-Hydraulics Workshops in Prague Cost:
TC-S Workshop Only – EURO 185/attendee*
TC-H Workshop Only – EURO 100/attendee*
Both Workshops – EURO 280/attendee*
* Reflects discounted price for active IGS members. Visit registration page for non-member rate information.
[button link=”https://igs.wufoo.com/forms/r9ntqen0zjgm0n/” color=”B8AC9E” textcolor=”ffffff” target=”blank”]REGISTER TODAY![/button]