The symposium was held on 18th April 2018 and was very successful. It took place in the historic York Rail Museum so at all time we were surrounded by vintage, full scale trains that where once fully operational but now immaculately preserved and displayed for everybody to admire, explore and enjoy. In total we had 15 speakers, sharing the latest research and examples of the use of geosynthetics in rail applications and representing Academia, Consultants, Contractors, British Rail Asset Owners and the majority of Geosynthetics’ manufacturers. Our speakers travelled from Japan, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, as well as from various parts of the UK.
Our Symposium attracted delegates covering the full spectrum of our industry including Academics, students, Con-sultants, Contractors, Rail and other Asset Owners and manufacturers. In total 128 delegates attended our Sympo-sium. The objective of the Symposium was to share overseas experience with local UK practise on the use of geo-synthetics in Rail and to raise awareness amongst the UK Rail Asset owners of how geosynthetics can be used in rail applications. Judging from the coffee break informal conversations as well as the ‘formal’ question & discussion time and the feedback we got post-event, we can confidently say that our objective was definitely achieved!