Portuguese Chapter of IGS (IGS-Portugal), Portuguese Technical Committee on Transportation Geotechnics (CPGT) and Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG) organized the 1st Seminary on Transportation Geotechnics, on 12 – 13 October 2017 at National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC), Lisbon, Portugal. The theme of the seminar was the improvement, reinforcement and rehabilitation of transport infrastructures. The seminar was intended to present the most significant geotechnical engineering solutions for improvement, reinforcement and rehabilitation of transportation infrastructures, including roadway, railway, airport and sea-port infrastructures, as well as the structures and infrastructures related to them.
Over 250 participants from six countries have participated on the seminar. A two-day technical exhibition had the participation of 15 stands. The seminar had the support of 39 sponsors and the participation of 9 leaders from Portuguese industry in a panel discussion in the final of the first day.
The program has included 6 technical sessions with a total of 10 keynote lectures and 25 oral presentations.
Some of the lectures had the following geosynthetics topics:
- Design Guideline for Basal Reinforced Piled Embankments, based on experiments, field studies and numerical analysis – Suzanne van Eekelen (Netherlands)
- Stabilisation of unbound aggregate by geogrids for transport infrastructure applications – Jacek Kawalec (Poland)
- Examples of rehabilitation of transport Infrastructures with woven and non-woven geotextiles – José Luís Cuenca (Spain)
- New profile sud in the Barcelona harbour. A complete and flexible solution with geosynthetics – Patricia Amo Sanz and Javier Santalla Prieto (Spain)
- High embankment reinforced with geogrids, in the Alfena logistic platform (Valongo) – Enrico Piolanti (Portugal)
- Opportunities and challenges in the use of geosynthetics in road and rail infrastructures – Bernardo Monteiro and Lara Martins (Portugal)
- Application of geogrids in rail renovation works – case study – Bruno Queirós (Portugal)

The e-books of extended abstracts and oral presentations are available on the website of the Portuguese Chapter of IGS (http://www.spgeotecnia.pt/igs/)
Reported by
José Neves, Portugese IGS Chapter Correpondant