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Dear Members of the IGS, The big audacious goal that the IGS Council adopted during the 2010 strategy meeting in Guarujá, Brazil, is “That geosynthetics become indispensable to the point that they are regularly included in engineering curricula and relevant design standards.” With this long-term goal in mind, a specific objective established for the IGS 4 year-plan is to “Begin our efforts to increase geosynthetic education at the undergrad level.” I am pleased to report that these efforts are now being initiated with a pilot program that addresses the educational needs in the country of one of our youngest chapters: Argentina. Specifically, the “Educate the Educator” (indeed, “Educando al Educador,” as the course will be in Spanish) will take place in Villa Carlos Paz,
Vol. 28 Issue #3 of the IGS News 2012 Now Available
Please take the time to read this very exciting issue of the IGS News highlights of which include: Members-Only Proceeding Library 12th Baltic Sea Geotechnical Conference – “Infrastructure in the Baltic Sea Region” One-Day Seminar “Filtration and Lessons Learned from Structures Containing Geosynthetics” 2nd African Regional Conference on Geosynthetics GeoAfrica2013 And much more…. [button link=”/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/2012-11-igs-news-a7.pdf” color=”B8AC9E” textcolor=”ffffff” target=”blank”]DOWNLOAD IGS News – 2012 Volume 28, Issue 3 (PDF)[/button] Thanks to Editor Gehard Breau for another informative issue of the IGS News!
Geosynthetic Institute – Request for Proposals
Attached is a RFP for Geosynthetic Institute. “There will be multiple awards made, each for $10,000 for the first year, and they are renewable for a second and third year up to a total amount of $20,000 per student.” Click the link below to learn more. Geosynthetic Institute – Request for Proposal
10ICG Call For Papers
The 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics, 21 – 25 September 2014, Berlin, Germany, is requesting abstracts on geosynthetics topics to be submitted to the conference by 15 May 2013. Visit the conference website for a complete list of conference themes. Abstracts should be submitted online by following the directions on the here.