XVI Croce Lecture – Prof. Kerry Rowe – Rome 13 December 2017
Dear Members of IGS,
Since the year 2000 – just after the successful organisation of EuroGeo 2 – the Italian Geotechnical Society (Associazione Geotecnica Italiana – AGI), that includes also the Italian Chapter of IGS, organises a yearly Conference dedicated to the memory of the late Professor Arrigo Croce, who was the first professor of Soil Mechanicsand Geotechnical Engineering in Italy, President of the AGI, vice-President for Europe of the ISSMFE and co-founder of the Technical Committee devoted to the Geotechnical Aspects of Preservation of Historic Sites.
The first Conference was delivered by Prof. Carlo Viggiani, followed by Prof. Michele Jamiolkowski, Prof. Ruggiero Jappelli, Prof. Giovanni Calabresi, Prof. Giovanni Barla, Prof. Beniamino D’Elia, Prof. Giuseppe Ricceri, Prof. Luciano Picarelli, Prof. Alberto Burghignoli, Prof. Eduardo Alonso, Prof. Renato Lancellotta, Prof. Kenichi Soga, Prof. Leonardo Cascini, Prof. Sarah Springman and Prof. Claudio Scavia.
The lecturers provided also a written version of their lecture, published in the Rivista Italiana di Geotecnica, a journal that was also founded by Prof. Arrigo Croce. These papers (except the last three, not yet available on the site) can be downloaded from the website of AGI (http://www.associazionegeotecnica.it/rig/croce_lecture).
On 2011, the Council of the AGI decided to open the event also to foreign people with very high qualification in the field of Soil Mechanics, Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, and Prof. Eduardo Alonso was nominated first foreign lecturer, followed by Prof. Kenichi Soga and by Prof. Sarah Springman.
We are now very happy to announce you that the next Croce Lecturer will be:
Prof. Kerry Rowe
Queen’s University – Canada
Past President of IGS
Who decided to give a lecture with the very stimulating title:
Environmental Geotechnics: Looking Back, Looking Forward
The Conference is scheduled on Wednesday December 13th, 2017 in Rome, at 10:30 am in the Auditorium Antonianum – Viale Manzoni 1, Rome – Italy.
After the Conference, a light buffet will represent also the occasion for exchanging greetings for the coming new year.
The Conference (and the light buffet) are free of charge and all international members of IGS are also welcome. We just ask you to fill-in the registration form attached to the present message and send it by e-mail to the Secretariat of the Italian Geotechnical Society (agi@associazionegeotecnica.it) not later than Monday 11 December.
We hope to see many of you at the Conference, to attend the interesting Lecture of Prof. Rowe and have the chance of visiting Roma, a very pleasant town also in the period before Christmas.
With our best regards,
Associazione Geotecnica Italiana (AGI)
Italian Chapter of IGS (AGI-IGS)
Viale dell’Università 11
00185 Roma
Tel. +39 06 4465569 – +39 06 44704349
Fax +39 06 44361035
Email: agi@associazionegeotecnica.it