Technical Webinar: Interactions between Geosynthetic‐Reinforced Fill Walls and Laterally‐Loaded Piles

The Iranian Chapter of the IGS in cooperation with the Iranian Geosynthetic Society present:
Technical Webinar
Interactions between Geosynthetic-Reinforced Fill Walls and Laterally-
Loaded Piles
Prof. Jie Han, University of Kansas, USA.
21 DECEMBER 2020
04:30~06:30 PM GMT
Abstract: Piles have been increasingly installed in geosynthetic-reinforced fill (GRF) walls to support
superstructures, such as sound barrier walls near highways or bridge foundations within abutments.
The traditional design is to isolate the piles from the GRF mass, which requires rock sockets and
large-diameter piles, and thus very costly. An alternative design was proposed and verified through a
50-m long and 6-m high full-scale GRF test wall in Kansas, USA. In this field study, the piles were
installed at four offset distances from the wall facing, seated on the bedrock, and supported by the
GRF mass. The field single and group pile lateral load testing demonstrated that the piles could
carry significant loads when they were located at the distances of two or more times the pile diameter.
A group effect was observed from the group pile test as compared with the single pile test when the
piles were closely spaced. The segmental block facing was tolerable to the differential movement
induced by the piles and very effective in hiding the local deformations even at the wall facing
deflections more than 100 mm. Additional physical model tests were conducted in the laboratory to
investigate the effects of wall height, facing connection type, and cyclic loading. This presentation will
discuss the construction, instrumentation, field and laboratory testing, and numerical analyses of
laterally-loaded piles in GRF walls, evaluate the interactions between laterally-loaded piles and GRF
walls, and offer design guidance.
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