Geosynthetic Reinforcement in Highways Seminar 2017 (Christchurch)
The aim of this 1-day symposium is to share knowledge on the most recent developments within the subject of mechanically stabilised walls, embankments on soft soils and seismic performance of geosynthetic reinforced soil structures. The keynote address will be presented by Dr Richard Bathurst who has carried out leading research in North America into the use of geosynthetic reinforcement in earth retaining wall systems, numerical modelling, seismic performance and design of these systems. The symposium will include a session from the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) on the Bridge Manual requirements for geosynthetics reinforcement and a session on conformance testing of geosynthetics to validate performance of geosynthetics in highway applications.
This Symposium offers engineers the opportunity to improve their knowledge and understanding in geosynthetic engineering for highway structures from leading experts in their fields.
Confirmed speakers
Prof. Richard Bathurst (Queen’s University, Canada)
Geosynthetics in EQ State of Research and Practice
Dr Misko Cubrinovski (Canterbury University, NZ)
Modelling reinforced soil walls subject to seismic shaking
Chris Lawson (TenCate, NZ)
Key Design Aspects for Basal Reinforced Embankments
Stuart Finlan NZTA representative (NZTA)
Geosynthetic compliance with Bridge Manual requirements
Warren Hornsey (TRI Environmental, NZ)
Geosynthetics Quality Assurance