Educate the Educators on Geosynthetics, Indonesia
The Educate the Educators (EtE) event, was held for the first time in Indonesia in 2017. The lead organizers were the Indonesian Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (INA-IGS), in collaboration with MY IGS (Malaysian Chapter of International Geosynthetics Society), Krida Wacana Christian University and the University of Science Malaysia. The one-day EtE event was immediately followed by a on-day international seminar “Quality in Construction Using Geosynthetics” at the same venue. Discussions revealed that only a small number of campuses had already included an introduction to geosynthetics in their teaching and even fewer offered geosynthetics as an elective subject. Participants felt that geosynthetics needed to be included in subjects such as soil improvement, so that every Civil Engineering graduate would have some knowledge of geosynthetics.
Key facts:
- location: Senayan, Jakarta
- 28 participants from Indonesia and Malaysia
- lecturers: Sam Allen, Mike Dobie, Dr. Ir. Gouw Tjioe-Liong, Mike Sadlier, Prof. Dr. Fauziah Ahmad, Amelia Makmur