CeTeau stands for advanced ground improvement technologies and specialized geosynthetic environmental techniques. With more than 15 years of worldwide experience in numerous projects, CeTeau is ready to execute your project according to the highest expectation. CeTeau specializes in ground improvement using Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD), also called Wick drain, Strip drain or Band drain and a very effective Vacuum Consolidation technique, CeTeau Vacuo. An other advanced technique providing an economical and technically solution to a wide range of foundation problems is the Vibro replacement Stone column and Vibro compaction (Vibroflotation) method. CeTeau also stands for a line of geosysthetics; geotextiles, geomembranes, geogrids, GCL’s, silt protectors and gabians. All these products are approved according the latest standards so they can exceed the lifespan of your projects.