Call For Seat Of 2028 The International Symposium on Landslides (ISL)
The International Symposium on Landslides (ISL) is one of the main activities of JTC1 of FedIGS. It has a long-standing tradition, and typically held every four years irrespective of two exceptions: Christchurch in 1993 (five years after the ISL in Lausanne) and Cartagena in 2021 (five years after the ISL in Naples, due to the pandemic).
The venue for the ISLs is usually determined well in advance by the JTC1 committee, which selects from proposals submitted by national committees. To date, ISL has been held five times in Europe (1988 in Lausanne, 1996 in Trondheim, 2000 in Cardiff, 2016 in Naples, and 2024 in Chambéry), four times in the Americas (1984 in Toronto, 2004 in Rio de Janeiro, 2012 in Banff, and 2021 in Cartagena), three times in Asia (1976 in Kyoto, 1980 in New Delhi, and 2008 in Xi’an), and once in Australasia (1993 in Christchurch).
We kindly invite you, on behalf of your society within any of the four international societies of FedIGS, to submit your proposal for hosting the 2028 ISL by the end of September 2024. You can send your proposal to Prof. Gonghui Wang (Chair of JTC1) by email (email address: wang.gonghui.3r@kyoto-u.ac.jp).
We look forward to the opportunity to welcome landslide researchers from around the world to your beautiful country.